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reportgod.group |
Latest News | ||
reportgod gc now has a discord server | https://discord.gg/ykRPA6Ba4v | |
site is back up | site is back up but threads have been wiped hopefu... |
🔥 233 | Transylvania - Transylvania is a so-called "transmed" s... | |
🔥 67 | . - Post your best groyper images. | |
🔥 46 | alphabet thread - a | |
🔥 31 | i cant sleep fuck my stupid life | |
🔥 16 | Hello |
Board | Description | PPH | PPD | Users | Posts |
/b/ - random | 0 | 3 | 2 | 2384 | |
/a/ - anime | 0 | 0 | 0 | 693 | |
/z/ - Invasion | 🛸 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 260 |
Local Stats |
There are currently 3 public boards, 3 in total. Sitewide, 3 posts have been made in the last day, 0 in the last hour, 3340 in total. 1146 files are being served, totaling 639.9MB. |