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I feel so buckbroken by the soyjack community
A 'p website on there keeps on bringing me down and ridiculing me every time I try to counter their pro-cartographer ideals.
I only hope for this place to not host anything illegal or anything that these degens post.
Replies: >>93 >>94
>>88 (OP) 
umm what 'p are you even referring to lil fag
Replies: >>95
>>88 (OP) 
this is the most legal site on the Internet trvst
Replies: >>96
'p from this shitty website from
They mock their opposers and call them soitoddlers and swedishfails
I was one of those opposers myself, and that's why I feel extremely buckbroken.
There's nothing I can do but weep in the corner of my room
Replies: >>97 >>104
Well that's good then. Honestly, I'm happy that I'm leaving the cringe and rotten soyjack culture behind.
there is no 'p on that site doe
wtf even is Swedishfails I've seen it but what's the point of that splinter
Replies: >>107 >>109
its the most moralfag splinter out of all of them
A website on the soyjack community called had a /raid/ thread against Pedos there mocked the swedishwin people and called them "Swedishfails" for not being able to take their site down and for whining about the 'p via spam.
Also the point of that splinter was to host sexual cartoons of minors, especially the soyjack's shitty soylita character
Replies: >>114
>Also the point of that splinter was to host sexual cartoons of minors, especially the soyjack's shitty soylita character
Above was meant for Anyways the swedishwin people managed to successfully report all of the BMT and real-life jailbait on the site but they couldn't take it down for good
Replies: >>116
jailbait isnt illegal fuck these niggers leave our cunny alone
Replies: >>119 >>121
It's not illegal but it was against the domain registrar Porkbun's rules
Still my main point is that I don't want to have any association with the soyjacks and their splinters anymore
Replies: >>1219
fuck off longhoused gynocentric slave we don't like foids here
Replies: >>122
they are not old enough to be corrupted by foid ideology
Replies: >>124
they're ugly because they're 3d
Replies: >>125 >>127
Replies: >>127
laura b is a real loli and you guys have shit taste
Replies: >>130
things no one actually cares about enthusiast
Also why are 3d women le bad? beauty is subjective you know
Replies: >>136 >>143 >>144
theyre ugly+ annoying dude
Replies: >>139 >>143
Okay I can see why; thanks for your opinion.
i care
you clearly havent seen candydolls
3d women just are insufferable and ugly unless you're inlove with one
soyboy wojaks sucks
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>waaah I am totally not a pedo, I just goon to 2d drawn children lolis is all
>also all 3D women are le bad regardless of age because they all rejected me
Way to out yourself as self-denial coping cuckold.
>I am now now seething and sad, and leaving soycuck community because pedochads btfo me in a debate
Also skajyos is s retard for not changing a host after we told him gorillion times, but I guess he has more fun hosting dead nigger baby of a website, even sperging chinnytards allow BMT there.
what is bro waffling about
Replies: >>1225
You're trans
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our site had more pph on day one than yours probably had in an entire month fag
Replies: >>1228 >>1231
what is this schizobabble lol
I am not adherent of any "site", niggerfaggot.
Replies: >>1232
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