make a gooning thread please admin
>>75 (OP) no
>>98 give me a logical argument why
>>102 your statement is meaningless anglos own you
No please also admin should porn be banned on this website evendoe anime and weab can be there, which is fine?
>>103 LARP >gooning is bad even doe it makes my penis hard
>>106 you suck
>>108 suck what
>>108 his gooning material sucks even more (look at
>>111 * ( )
>>111 that isnt goon material because gooning isnt allowed yet.
I like that picture
>>115 and it will not be allowed ever just let it go bruh
>>118 this site is worse than 4chan in censorship maaaannn
>>123 larp
>>123 the censorship is just that we ban people we dislike, there are no rules, this is what moot (PBUH) was like
>>126 you are larping as a puritan despite being a pedophile nazi troll(bless you)
hitler was evil
>>131 nazis and jews were and are equally shitty doe
>>129 im not a nazi?
>>134 we are jews
>>135 you place spinning sonnenrads in dox videos and hate trans people so you are a nazi
>>138 erm we support trans folx don't you know there's a trans genocide in the United States
>>138 we are reclaiming the sonnenrad actually as subversive jewish property
do you have a discord acc
>>913 who
>>916 im asking you for your discord account blud