is the most unfunny shit ever
>>1688 his austria edit was funny doe
>>1702 yeah that's what I mean occasionally
>>1706 i think he was being unironic since he jerks off to shota
>>1710 keklord ahh
they did surgery on a grape
>>1703 (OP) is this true
>>1703 (OP) based meme bro
they did surgery on a surgery
based gooks stopped eating goyslop #overforamerica
>>1699 I believe kyon will enjoy this
alive website
This was posted by @KarakalChud He says he is christian. Why do people lie about being christian?
>>1429 moralfag
>>1447 >it's Ephebophilia no Pedophilia lmaoo i cant believe you said this you idiot
how did you fall for this
>>1667 soytroons don't understand bait
>>1669 its literally the most classic form of bait dude its been done for years
Nick fuentes lost Blumpf lost Republicans lost Kamala WILL win.
the chinny sucks I'm removing to reportycuck.poop
>>1422 (OP) Kys obsessed falseflagger i don't namefag with a capital S
3 more days until kkkween kamala is president!
based ...
>>1415 i dont understand
i understood
>>1421 i didnt
what now
>>1381 albeit nothing happens here and you'd have to be lucky to catch a recent post
>>1382 make it happen
>>1384 this is awesome